JESAJA BRUCH® skincare creates exclusive skincare formulas close to medical treatment.

We believe in the power of beauty and its preservation in the light of passing time.

JESAJA BRUCH® was founded in 2023 and is led under medical guidance.  

The company offers premium skincare products close to medical skincare.

Our goal is to offer an entire skin care line for women. Therefore our product portfolio will be continually expanded.

Beauty, health, well-being and vitality are basic human needs.

For this reason, we distance ourselves from using questionable active ingredients*.

We emphasise on good tolerability and effectiveness and rely on scientific findings when selecting our ingredients.

Our products convey a sense of well-being and a feeling of luxury.

We recommend regular use and a conscious, healthy lifestyle.

Please note that our products are not on the market yet. If you have already purchased or are purchasing them, it is a case of brand piracy. Please bear in mind that counterfeit products pose a risk in many respects, not least to your health. You may also be liable to prosecution if you purchase branded goods manufactured illegally.

We kindly ask you to contact us via our contact form, stating what and where you purchased or where you have seen the product.


*We distance ourselves from:

allergenic perfume oils : ours do not contain any of the 26 potential allergens described in the seventh amendment to the EU Cosmetics Directive (EG) Nr. 1223/2009. Not applicable at  JESAJA BRUCH® man.

color additives : if cosmetic dyes are used, they comply with the EU Cosmetics Regulation, safety regulations and legal requirements.

microplastics : have not yet been sufficiently researched with regard to human health. They can damage the skin’s natural barrier function, making it more permeable to harmful substances. Nanoparticles can penetrate all layers of the skin, be washed into the bloodstream and be deposited in the body. After the skin is washed, microplastics are released into the environment, where they are difficult to eliminate. They harm animals and the environment.

mineral oil : is an exogenous substance and seals the skin like silicones. This restricts the skin’s ability to breathe. It also slows down the skin’s natural renewal processes.

paraffins: see mineral oil.

parabens : are used for product preservation, they have antimicrobial properties against bacteria and fungi. Parabens are considered to be weak allergens; they can be absorbed through the skin and have a weak hormonal oestrogenic effect.

silicones : are plastics that seal the skin and prevent it from breathing. Silicones have no anti-ageing effect.  Wrinkles reappear as before after you wash your skin. They tend to make skin prone to acne und impurities. 

pegs : make the skin more permeable, which means that harmful substances could be more easily absorbed.

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