On average, men’s skin is around 25% thicker than  women` s. This is due to the male hormone testosterone. As a result, it is better protected against environmental stress.

Due to the higher testosterone levels, men produce twice as much sebum as women. Men’s skin is therefore often more oily, has larger pores and  prone to blemishes and acne.

Due to the higher collagen density, men’s skin ages later than women’s. The collagen and elastic fibres in men’s skin run crosswise. This means that the skin remains  firm and taut for longer. There is also hardly any cellulite in men` s skin.

The subcutaneous fatty tissue is weaker. Men`s skin is therefore less soft and smooth.

Men’s skin generally binds moisture better than women’s. It also tends to be less sensitive.

The usual moisture content for young and healthy skin lies between 10 and 20 percent. Below this the skin is visibly dry, tight, itchy and flaky.

The pH value of men’s skin is on average slightly lower (more acidic) than that of women. This makes men’s skin more resistant to bacteria and other harmful influences.

Men generally have thicker facial and body hair due to higher testosterone levels. This influences skin care needs, especially when shaving, which can lead to irritation.

Men`s skin care differs from those of women and should be adapted accordingly. Products for men usually come in a gel like texture.

The skin barrier

The skin barrier is a natural protective layer of our skin. Only when it is intact does it offer sufficient protection against harmful substances, bacteria, viruses and chemicals and excessive moisture loss. Ideally, the pH value is in the slightly acidic range of approx. 5.0-5.5.
The skin barrier consists of the horny layer (stratum corneum), the horny cells (corneocytes) it contains and the fats (lipids) between them. Together they form a water-repellent layer that prevents the penetration of harmful substances and microorganisms.
Metaphorically speaking, the skin barrier can be visualised as a wall. The horny cells (corneocytes) form the bricks and the lipids (ceramides) form the mortar that connects and holds the bricks together. This makes the wall (skin) largely impermeable. The skin barrier therefore protects against intruders and minimises moisture loss from the inside to the outside. This is known as transepidermal water loss (TEWL).

  • UV radiation, cold temperatures, and low humidity (heated living spaces in winter) weaken the skin barrier.
  • Irritating skincare products that contain alcohol, (allergenic) fragrances, and other irritating substances can significantly disrupt the skin barrier.
  • Washing too frequently or excessive peeling damages the skin barrier by removing its natural moisturizing factors (NMF).

A weakened skin barrier can lead to a variety of problems. The appearance of your skin and your overall and mental well-being may be affected as a result.

Skin color is primarily determined by genetics. As part of evolution, different human races with different skin colors have developed through adaptation to certain habitats. Skin colour is determined by the density and distribution of the coloring molecule melanin. Melanin is produced by the so-called melanocytes. These are located at the lowest end of the epidermis, in the outer root sheath and in the bulb of the hair follicle.

The pigment is stored in the melanocytes in small bodies called melanosomes inside the cell. Their function is to protect the cell nucleus and the genetic material it contains from UV light. If sun exposure increases, the skin usually tans. Tanning is therefore nothing else than a protective mechanism.

The melanin is transferred from the melanocytes to the other cells of the epidermis. The amount of melanin determines the skin type. The skin type is not determined by the number of melanocytes, but by their activity. Their number is the same for individuals with different skin types. However, the ability of melanocytes to produce melanin varies greatly.

The medical photoyping scale
according to Th. Fitzpatrick

Skin type I - Celtic type

is particularly sensitive. It is characterised by very light skin, freckles, red hair and light-coloured eyes. It practically always burns and practically never tans. The self-protection time is up to 10 minutes. Unprotected, there is a high risk of skin cancer.

Skin type II - Nordic type

is characterised by light, sensitive skin, blonde hair and light-coloured eyes. It burns easily and tans minimally. The self-protection time is up to 20 minutes.

Skin type III - Mixed type

shows light to light brown skin, light brown to dark brown hair, light, grey or brown eyes. This type rarely burns and tans well. The self-protection time is up to 30 minutes.

Skin type IV - Mediterranean type

has medium brown, olive-coloured skin, dark hair and dark brown eyes. She rarely burns and tans very well. The self-protection time is up to 60 minutes.

Skin type V - Dark type

has dark brown skin, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. This type burns very rarely and tans very well. The self-protection time is up to 90 minutes.

Skin type VI - Black type

has dark brown to black skin, dark brown eyes and black hair. It burns extremely rarely or not at all. The self-protection time is longer than 90 minutes.


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